When you stay at Treacys West County Hotel in Ennis, you are close to many fun activities to keep you occupied. Spend your day exploring all of the fun activities nearby and then return to Treacys West County Hotel and relax and unwind in any of our refurbished rooms or have some great food at any of our great dining options. Book your stay at Treacys West County Hotel in Ennis and prepare to explore some of County Clare’s great activities such as Dolphin Watching.
An hour away from Treacys West County Hotel in Ennis, you can go dolphin watching in Carrigaholt on the Loop Head Peninsula in County Clare. This area is home to Europe’s largest group of bottlenose dolphins. The same area is also a special area of conservation and an important feeding ground for other wildlife such as bottlenose dolphins, pelagic seabirds and grey seals. The Loop Head Peninsula has fascinating coastal geology and incredibly stunning backdrops. Dolphin watching has been going on at the mouth of the River Shannon for over 25 years and the dolphin encounter rate at Loop Head is one of the highest in Europe making this area the best opportunity to see dolphins in Ireland. Each two hour dolphin watching boat trip from Carrigaholt, is an opportunity to see and learn about Bottlenose Dolphins as they interact with each other in their native habitat.
When you go dolphin watching in Carrigaholt in County Clare, you board a passenger ship called Draiocht and while aboard the boat you will learn about wildlife, geology and maritime history as well as keeping an eye out for dolphins. The boat is a beautifully designed passenger boat and provides superb viewing for everyone on board. The hydrophone (underwater microphone) lets you listen to live dolphin sounds, when conditions allow. The boat has a bar and toilet facilities on board. Experienced and friendly crews are qualified marine naturalists to answer any questions and look after your comfort and safety.
Find out more on the official Dolphin Watch site.