Whiskey Tasting
When you stay at Treacys West County Hotel in Ennis, you are close to many activities for adults to keep yourself entertained such as Hot Whiskey Tasting. Spend your day exploring all of the activities nearby and then return to Treacys West County Hotel and relax and unwind in any of our refurbished rooms or have some great food at any of our great dining options. Book your stay at Treacys West County Hotel in Ennis and prepare to explore some of the fun activities in Ennis such as Hot Whiskey Tasting.
If you are a fan of whiskey then Ennis, County Clare is worth a visit. Every six weeks or so, the Ennis Whiskey Club get together to have a meal and taste four brands of whiskeys. There are also Whiskey Tasting Events on regularly in Ennis and there are even opportunities to have corporate Whiskey Tasting Events.
The Ennis Whiskey Trail is a must for any whiskey fan. The Whiskey Trail in the town of Ennis was launched in 2016 and includes 8 pubs in Ennis Town. Each pub will have different whiskeys for you to taste so it is a whiskey themed pub crawl in a way.
Participants taste and experience the four pillars of Irish whiskey styles (Single Grain, Single Malt,
Blended, and Single Pot Still) in four different Ennis pubs – one whiskey style per pub.
Local whiskey experts, Eric Flynn and Paul Quin of the Ennis Whiskey Club guide participants from pub to pub and present each whiskey in a relaxed and informal manner.
Everyone learns how Irish whiskey is crafted, gleans insights into what makes each style unique, and above all, enjoys Irish whiskey as it meant to be – savoured in fine company!
It’s a great way to explore some of the intimate and traditional pubs nestled along the narrow
medieval streets of Ennis while learning a thing or two about Irish whiskey.